Alberta Soil Science Workshop

Join us for the 61st Alberta Soil Science Workshop in Edmonton, Alberta

ASSW is proud to co-host the 23rd Bentley Lecture in Sustainable Agriculture,
scheduled for February 19th, 2025, during the conference, with
The Honourable Robert Black, Senator for Ontario as the speaker.

ASSW 2025 Organizing Committee

Chair: Erin Daly (University of Guelph)

Past Chair: Eric Bremer (Western Ag Innovations Inc.)

Treasurer: Kris Guenette (Corteva Agriscience)

Sponsorship: Alessia Marchesan (University of Alberta)

Soils Tour Chair: Konstantin Dlusskiy (Montrose Environmental)

Communications: Erin Daly & Nathaniel Storey (Associated Environmental Consultants)

Secretary & Web Admin: Matt Ball (University of Alberta)